Experimental study of ZrF62– stability in hydrothermal solutions at 90–255 ᵒC


Tarnopolskaya M. E.1,Bychkov A. Yu.1


1. Lomonosov Moscow State University


The solubility of fluorite in HCl and HF solutions with a variable concentration of Zr at 90, 155, 205 and 255 ᵒC and the pressure of saturated water vapor were investigated. The results showed that the solubility of fluorite increases with increasing concentration of zirconium. Using the OptimA program, the free energies of the ZrF62– complex were determined from the experimental data, from which the dissociation constants of the reaction ZrF62– =Zr4+ + 6F- were calculated. The pK values were 29,86±0,13; 34,03±0,062; 38,28±0,033; 40,94± 0,079 at 90, 155, 205 and 255 ᵒС (saturated water vapor pressure).


Faculty of Geology Lomonosov Moscow State University


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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