New data on the chemical and isotopic (H, O, C, S, N) composition of mineral waters of the Essentuki deposit


Baranovskaya E. I.1ORCID,Kharitonova N. A.2ORCID,Filimonova E. A.1ORCID,Krasnova A. A.1,Maslov A. A.1


1. Lomonosov Moscow State University

2. Lomonosov Moscow State University; Far East Geological Institute (FEGI FEB RAS)


The article presents modern data on the chemical, gas composition, the content of the stable isotopes of oxygen, hydrogen, carbon and sulfur in the natural mineral waters of the Essentuki field. A detailed study of the geological and hydrogeological features of the water circulation territory, their macro components composition, the content of organic matter in the water, temperature conditions and values of δ18ОSMOW, δDSMOW, δ13СDIC, δ18ОDIC, δ34SVCDT, δ13CCO2, δ13CCH4, δ15N revealed the genesis of the aqueous, gas and salt components of the natural mineral waters of the Essentuki field. Established that all natural mineral waters of the Essentuki field are meteoric infiltration waters. The heterogeneous component composition of the natural mineral waters, that circulate in various aquifers, represents the features of the lithological composition of the water-bearing rocks, the degree of openness or closeness of faults and the intensity of reactions in the water-rock-gas-organic matter system.


Faculty of Geology Lomonosov Moscow State University


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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