The evolution of slump-induced destruction of Kukuy Griva slope (lake Baikal) revealed on the base of the data of seismic and acoustic surveys


Solovyeva M. A.,Starovoytov A. V.,Akhmanov G. G.,Khlystov O. M.,Khabuev A. V.,Tokarev M. J.,Chensky D. A.


As a result of careful interpretation of the data of recent seismo-acoustic surveys, two major seismic complexes were identified in the structure of upper sedimentary section of the north-western slope of Kukuy Griva (ridge). They are composed of several very characteristic inner seismo-facies and separated by well-expressed regional reflector. Seismic and acoustic data revealed evidences of numerous landslide processes which were different in age and peculiarities of manifestation. For the first time, detailed schemes of seismo-facies distribution are compiled for both major seismic complexes. The boundary between seismic complexes is dated as 150 thousands years. It is shown that sliding was more intensive during Late Pleistocene and Holocene, reflecting activation of tectonic movements in this part of Baikal rift system.


Faculty of Geology Lomonosov Moscow State University


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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