Allocation of active morphostructures of the Northern Ladoga using a complex of geological and geomorphological data


Agibalov A. O.1,Zaitsev V. A.2,Sentsov A. A.1


1. Schmidt Earth Physics Institute RAS

2. Lomonosov Moscow State University


Based on the analysis and generalization of geological and geomorphological information, including new data obtained by the authors, we developed a scheme of activated Precambrian morphostructures of the Northern Ladoga area. When we compiled it, the severity of the ancient structures in the relief, the confinement of the epicenters of earthquakes, paleoseismic dislocations, helium and radon anomalies to them, as well as the results of the analysis of the movement of GPS points, computer and physical modeling on equivalent materials were taken into account.


Faculty of Geology Lomonosov Moscow State University


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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