Siratur gold deposit in the black shales of the ophiolite association (the Southern Urals)


Snachev A. V.1,Latypov F. F.2,Snachev V. I.1,Rassomakhin M. A.3,Koshchug D. G.4,Vyatkin S. V.4


1. Institute of Geology Subdivision of the Ufa Federal Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences

2. Open Joint Stock Company «Bashkirgeologiya»

3. Institute of Mineralogy — a division of the South Urals Federal Research Center of Mineralogy and Geo-ecology of the Urals Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

4. Lomonosov Moscow State University


The Siratur gold deposit is located in the northern part of the South Ural segment of the Main Ural Fault. Its ore zone is confined to the area of the tectonic junction of the serpentinite of the Nurali massif and the submeridional strip of carbonaceous schists of the Ordovician Polyakovka Formation. Its composition is widely represented basalts with chemical characteristics of the main effusive rocks of the mid-ocean ridges. In the black shale deposits of the Siratur deposit, gold ore mineralization is mainly represented by the gold-sulfide vein-disseminated type, and in the listwanite-beresite complex, gold-quartz-low-sulfide vein-streaked type. Microprobe studies of zolotins showed that gold in ores of the first type has a low-qality of 670–820, and in the second — 940–970. The deposit can be attributed to the polygenic and polychronous type.


Faculty of Geology Lomonosov Moscow State University


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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