Teaching of English at Secondary Level: A Comparative Study of
Public Schools and Madaris of District Mianwali
Container-title:FWU Journal of Social Sciences
Short-container-title:FWU Journal
The study was designed to compare Public Schools and Madarisof District
Mianwali regarding teaching of English as a subject and to find out satisfaction of
students with English teachers. Multi-stage sampling method was used to draw
sample. At first stage 6 public schools were selected through simple random
sampling method and all 6 Madaris where English was taught were selected. At
second stage, 120 students of 8th and 9th class were selected from each school and
Madrisa by giving equal representation. At third stage, 12 English teachers of 8th
and 9th class were selected through simple random sampling from public schools
and 12 teachers from Madaris were selected. Results of the study showed that
reading and writing were given some attention by the English teachers of both
Public Schools and Madaris while listening and speaking skills were not given
attention by teachers. Teachers of English of both types of institutions were using
simple method of grammar translation but students of Public Schools were able to
understand easy English without translation in Urdu as compared to students of
Madaris who were not able to do that. Moreover, students were satisfied with their
teachers. It is recommended that professional training of teachers should be
arranged in order to update them about English language
Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University Peshawar, Pakistan
Psychology (miscellaneous),Sociology and Political Science,Social Sciences (miscellaneous),History,Education