1. Alexander, C. (2006). CHI Workshop Position Paper on "The Many Faces of Consistency in Cross-platform Design". The Many Faces of Consistency in Cross-Platform Design Workshop at CHI'2006. Montreal, Canada, 19-22
2. Ali, M. F. (2006). Navigation Consistency, or the Lack Thereof, in Cross-Platform User interfaces. The Many Faces of Consistency in Cross-Platform Design Workshop at CHI'2006. Montreal, Canada, 29-32
3. Dittmar, A., & Forbrig, P. (2006). Task-Action Consistency in Multi-Device Systems. The Many Faces of Consistency in Cross-Platform Design Workshop at CHI'2006. Montreal, Canada, 23-28
4. Inter-Usability of Multi-Device Systems - A Conceptual Framework
5. EVER ON. (https://www.everon.co.kr/use/)