1. 1 Aristoteles(アリストテレス)『弁論術』戸塚七郎訳、岩波文庫、一九九二年。
2. 2 Aune, David C., “Mastery of the Passions: Philo, 4 Maccabees and Earliest Christianity,” in Hellenization Revisited: Shaping a Christian Response within the Greco-Roman World, ed. Wendy E. Helleman (Lanham: University Press of America, 1994), 125-58.
3. 3 Bickerman, Elias J., “The Date of Fourth Maccabees,” in Id., Studies in Jewish and Christian History: A New Edition in English including The God of the Maccabees 1, ed. A. Tropper (Leiden: Brill, 2007 [1972]), 266-71.
4. 4 Chrysippus(クリュシッポス)『初期ストア派断片集四』(西洋古典叢書)中川純男・山口義久訳、京都大学学術出版会、二〇〇五年。
5. 5 Colin, G., “L’oraison funèbre d’Hyperide: ses rapports avec les autres oraisons funèbres Athéniennes,” Revue des Études Grecques 51 (1938): 211-45.