Division and Transmission: Malaria Parasite Development in the Mosquito


Guttery David S.12,Zeeshan Mohammad1,Ferguson David J.P.34,Holder Anthony A.5,Tewari Rita1


1. School of Life Sciences, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom;,

2. Leicester Cancer Research Centre, University of Leicester, Leicester, United Kingdom;

3. Nuffield Department of Clinical Laboratory Sciences and John Radcliffe Hospital, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom;

4. Department of Biological and Medical Sciences, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, United Kingdom

5. Malaria Parasitology Laboratory, Francis Crick Institute, London, United Kingdom;


The malaria parasite life cycle alternates between two hosts: a vertebrate and the female Anopheles mosquito vector. Cell division, proliferation, and invasion are essential for parasite development, transmission, and survival. Most research has focused on Plasmodium development in the vertebrate, which causes disease; however, knowledge of malaria parasite development in the mosquito (the sexual and transmission stages) is now rapidly accumulating, gathered largely through investigation of the rodent malaria model, with Plasmodium berghei. In this review, we discuss the seminal genome-wide screens that have uncovered key regulators of cell proliferation, invasion, and transmission during Plasmodium sexual development. Our focus is on the roles of transcription factors, reversible protein phosphorylation, and molecular motors. We also emphasize the still-unanswered important questions around key pathways in cell division during the vector transmission stages and how they may be targeted in future studies.


Annual Reviews










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