Measures of Racism, Sexism, Heterosexism, and Gender Binarism for Health Equity Research: From Structural Injustice to Embodied Harm—An Ecosocial Analysis


Krieger Nancy1


1. Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA;


Racism. Sexism. Heterosexism. Gender binarism. Together, they comprise intimately harmful, distinct, and entangled societal systems of self-serving domination and privilege that structure the embodiment of health inequities. Guided by the ecosocial theory of disease distribution, I synthesize key features of the specified “isms” and provide a measurement schema, informed by research from both the Global North and the Global South. Metrics discussed include ( a) structural, including explicit rules and laws, nonexplicit rules and laws, and area-based or institutional nonrule measures; and ( b) individual-level (exposures and internalized) measures, including explicit self-report, implicit, and experimental. Recommendations include ( a) expanding the use of structural measures to extend beyond the current primary emphasis on psychosocial individual-level measures; ( b) analyzing exposure in relation to both life course and historical generation; ( c) developing measures of anti-isms; and ( d) developing terrestrially grounded measures that can reveal links between the structural drivers of unjust isms and their toll on environmental degradation, climate change, and health inequities.


Annual Reviews


Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,General Medicine







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