Ocean Optimism: Moving Beyond the Obituaries in Marine Conservation


Knowlton Nancy1


1. National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20560, USA;


While the ocean has suffered many losses, there is increasing evidence that important progress is being made in marine conservation. Examples include striking recoveries of once-threatened species, increasing rates of protection of marine habitats, more sustainably managed fisheries and aquaculture, reductions in some forms of pollution, accelerating restoration of degraded habitats, and use of the ocean and its habitats to sequester carbon and provide clean energy. Many of these achievements have multiple benefits, including improved human well-being. Moreover, better understanding of how to implement conservation strategies effectively, new technologies and databases, increased integration of the natural and social sciences, and use of indigenous knowledge promise continued progress. Enormous challenges remain, and there is no single solution; successful efforts typically are neither quick nor cheap and require trust and collaboration. Nevertheless, a greater focus on solutions and successes will help them to become the norm rather than the exception.


Annual Reviews



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5. Diversity, distribution and intrinsic extinction vulnerability of exploited marine bivalves;Nature Communications;2023-08-15








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