Modeling Infection Transmission


Koopman Jim1


1. Department of Epidemiology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109;


Understanding what determines patterns of infection spread in populations is important for controlling infection transmission. The science that advances this understanding uses mathematical and computer models that vary from deterministic models of continuous populations to models of dynamically evolving contact networks between individuals. These provide insight, serve as scientific theories, help design studies, and help analyze data. The key to their use lies in assessing the robustness of inferences made using them to violation of their simplifying assumptions. This involves changing model forms from deterministic to stochastic and from compartmental to network, as well as adding realistic detail and changing parameter values. Currently inferences about infection transmission are often made using stratified rate or risk comparisons, logistic regression models, or proportionate hazards models that assume an absence of transmission. Robustness assessment will show many of these inferences to be wrong. A community of epidemiologist modelers is needed for effective robustness assessment.


Annual Reviews


Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,General Medicine

Cited by 116 articles. 订阅此论文施引文献 订阅此论文施引文献,注册后可以免费订阅5篇论文的施引文献,订阅后可以查看论文全部施引文献

1. The Effect of Fangcang Shelter Hospitals under Resource Constraints on the Spread of Epidemics;International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health;2023-05-12

2. A mesoscale agent based modeling framework for flow-mediated infection transmission in indoor occupied spaces;Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering;2022-11

3. Assessing Epidemic Curves for Evidence of Superspreading;Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society;2022-10-01

4. Spatio-temporal dynamics of random transmission events: from information sharing to epidemic spread;Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical;2022-08-19

5. Use of a modified SIR-V model to quantify the effect of vaccination strategies on hospital demand during the Covid-19 pandemic;2022 44th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC);2022-07-11







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