1. Ocenka vozmozhnogo vyigrysha ot perturbacionnogo manevra u Luny pri modelirovanii pereleta k Marsu na osnove resheniya zadach Lamberta” ("Estimation of the possible gain from the perturbation maneuver near the Moon in a flight to Mars simulating based on Lambert's problems solution"), Sbornik materialov XXVIII Sankt-Peterburgskoj mezhdunarodnoj konferencii po integrirovannym navigacionnym sistemam;samokhin;Proceedings of the XXVIII St Petersburg International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems,2021
2. Method of optimal trajectories design for a spacecraft with a jet engine of a large limited thrust in problems with the phasing condition;samokhina;Advances in the Astronautical Sciences,2018
3. The analysis of a transfer Earth Mars with a lunar gravity assist maneuver and use of a small thrust;elnikov;Journal of Spacecraft Rockets,2012
4. The concept of creating a habitable base on Phobos;igritskaia;Conference dedicated to the memory of academician S P Korolev and other outstanding national scientists – pioneers of space exploration,2020
5. Optimization of expedition to Phobos using the impulse control and solution to Lambert problems taking into account attraction of the earth and mars