An analysis of literature shows that higher education institutions can actively influence the development of students' cultural intelligence (CQ) and thus express their social responsibility. The article's main aim is to diagnose the level of cultural intelligence among students of public economics universities in Poland and to determine the relationship between CQ and factors such as field of study, degree, and gender. This article was developed using research methods such as literature analysis, organizational documentation analysis, participant observation, and a Computer-Assisted Web Interview (CAWI) survey. The respondents were second-year full-time students, both bachelor and master’s degree, of two majors: Management and International Economic Relations (in Polish Międzynarodowe Stosunki Gospodarcze – MSG for short). The study shows that the cultural intelligence of students of public economics universities in Poland is relatively high. No influence of gender on CQ was determined. Contrary to assumptions, it was not observed that MSG studies influence students' CQ development. The correlation between the degree of reflection and the level of cultural intelligence differs depending on the field of study. At each of the three universities studied, no significant differences were found in the overall level of cultural intelligence between students of the two studied majors.
Foundation for the Promotion and Accreditation of Economic Education
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