The instant transition to online learning during the pandemic led to some neglections in instructional design and planning, with online teaching readiness seen as a major issue within this context. The authors of this study therefore believe that the readiness of instructors for providing online learning is a critical concern for such a transition and its future implications. In this survey/descriptive study, the authors investigated instructors’ online teaching readiness through an adapted version of Chi’s Online Teaching Readiness Questionnaire, which includes both open-ended and multiple-option questions, with code-theme relationships also presented. The data collection tool was administered to 200 instructors from different faculties working at Ege University, which is a western state university in Turkey. The findings from the questionnaire show that to a large extent, the instructors feel ready for online teaching. The authors share their suggestions on future research and applications in the last section of the paper.
Szkoła Główna Handlowa GV
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