Да праблемы пераемнасці беларускай літаратурнай мовы: лацінаграфічныя тэксты XVIII стагоддзя


Свістунова Марына1ORCID


1. Belarusian State University


The article is devoted to the problem of continuity between the old Bela¬rusian period and the period of the new Belarusian literary language, as well as to Latin graphic texts of the 18th century. The most widespread opinion about the existence of a break in the written tradition of the Belarusian literary language was not the only one before, but now it is being critically analyzed. The article considers the linkages between the continuity of the Belarusian literary language and the problem of its periodization, the concept of Belarusian language history and the history of Belarusian literature. An attempt has been made to refute the stereotypical opinion about the small number of texts of the 18th century Bela-rusian literature by addressing the little known and recently discovered Latin graphic texts. Conclusions have been made concerning the reasons and aims of using the Latin graphic system for writing in the Belarusian language in the 18th century. An opinion concerning such research directions of the Belarusian texts of that time as memoirs, confessional and official writings has been given as well.


University of Warsaw

Reference35 articles.

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