1. Brawijaya University, Jalan Veteran, Malang, Indonesia
In this research, the use of digital evidence in courts is studied. State administrators, including the executive and the legislative, must use information technology (e-government), especially the judiciary. Digital evidence is also frequently utilised to resolve administrative disputes between states. Judges should be able to look over and evaluate cases that involve digital evidence in order to do this. The Supreme Court has issued PERMA Number 1 of 2019 concerning the Electronic Administration of Cases and Trials in Courts in order to get ready to adapt to changes in the digitalization of electronic services (e-government). This time, the Supreme Court is taking reforming the justice system’s information technology field seriously as seen by the E-Court. Administrative Court Judges can make an effort, but in the digital age, Administrative Judges must pay attention to the entire e-government system. For instance, licencing now involves an integrated online system that includes components of the regional government, the provincial government, and the government centre. These factors make it possible for administrative judges to consult with web professionals. Because it is virtually difficult for an administrative judge to have good and accurate understanding of digital forensics, digital web forensic experts are required when proving matters at the Administrative Court. Web-based experts will provide insight into a case, assisting State Administrative judges in making judgements. The Supreme Court should hold education and training regarding online licensing, online registration, and online validation carried out by the executive. Administrative judges should not hesitate to present web expert witnesses to explain an administrative case.
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