This article describes a general study of manganese-based oxygen carriers (OCs) in chemical looping (CL) processes between 2006 and 2023 through a careful bibliometric analysis. This was achieved through the selection of scientific articles and checking bibliometric parameters, highlighting the main challenges and the current state of this area of research. Using keywords, 426 documents were found on the Web of Science database and 65 of them were selected using the ProKnow-C method. Analysis of the main articles indicates that these materials have decreased friction rates and a low tendency to agglomerate in reactors with continuous fluidized beds. Furthermore, this study informs the possible optimization of the physicochemical properties of oxygen carriers, with emphasis on the oxygen transport capacity, reactivity, and friction rate. In addition, this research highlighted the great potential of synthetic manganese-based OCs for applications in CL processes.
Instituto Federal de Educacao, Ciencia e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN)
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