The space in which higher educaƟ on insƟ tuƟ ons thrive is fast changing, and the demands and expectaƟ ons from society are rapidly increasing (Hazelkorn, 2015). A wide thirst for 21st-century skills, the connec-Ɵ on between research and development, the need for innovaƟ on, knowledge transfer, and stakeholder networks have raised the interest in collaboraƟ ve learning within HEIs. This is therefore propagaƟ ng a desire to do more with less as public spending on the educaƟ on sector conƟ nues to dip.To this end, collaboraƟ ve learning or otherwise referred to as cooperaƟ ve learning, becomes a low-hanging fruit to explore in the circumstances saƟ sfying both the needs of the insƟ tuƟ on (Knowledge generaƟ on) and of those that embrace it (innovators, employers, governments, etc.) to obtain the benefi ts of the valued life-trans-forming educaƟ on. Through this study, three objecƟ ves, which include: – ascertaining the ability of lecturers tomanage collaboraƟ ve learning environments, establishing the need for insƟ tuƟ onal frameworks for collaboraƟ ve learning management, and ascertaining the eff ecƟ veness of curriculum design and management in ensuring col-laboraƟ ve learning, are invesƟ gated. Literature on these aspects is elaborately reviewed to answer the research quesƟ on.The study makes a case for the need to build the capacity of lecturers to enable collaboraƟ on among learners. It also idenƟ fi es a need for insƟ tuƟ onalised pracƟ ces to embed a collaboraƟ ve learning atmosphere as well as an integrated curriculum design approach to make learning content more exploratory and Ɵ me relevant.
European University's Institute for the Research of Economic and Social Problems of Globalization
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