Increasing energy use efficiency and reducing greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions from agriculture are majorchallenges to achieve sustainable development goals (SDGs). An experiment, comprising 14 treatments, viz. sole peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.), peanut-fallow-sesbania, peanut-fallow-green gram (GG), peanut-conventional tilled wheat (CTW), peanut-CTW-sesbania, peanut-CTW-GG, peanut-CTW-wheat straw incorporation (WSI), peanut-zero tilled wheat (ZTW), peanut-ZTW-sesbania, peanut-ZTW-GG, peanut-ZTW-WSI, peanut+pigeonpea, peanut+pigeonpeasesbania and peanut+pigeonpea-GG was laid out in randomized block design with three replications for five consecutive years (2011–12 to 2015–16) at Junagadh, Gujarat, at fixed site to study the influence of conservation agricultural practices on energetics and profitability of peanut-based cropping systems. Green manuring with sesbania significantly improved the pod yield of peanut (12.8%) and seed yield of pigeonpea (8.9%). Zero tillage (ZT) improved wheat yield by 4.8% over Conventional tillage (CT). The energy requirement of peanut+pigeonpea intercropping was 16.7% lower than peanut–wheat cropping system irrespective of GM and WSI. Peanut–ZT wheat with sesbania green manure recorded highest energy output (251.2 × 103 MJ/ha) and net energy (201.0 × 103 MJ/ha). This cropping system also fetched the highest system productivity (4551 kg/ha), and system profitability (` 125.7 × 103/ha) followed by peanut–ZT wheat (INR 120.6/ha × 103/ha). Therefore, peanut–ZT wheat–green manuring (sesbania/greengram) cropping system was found as productive, economical and energy efficient which might be promoted to intensify the sole peanut cropping in Saurashtra region of Gujarat.
Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Directorate of Knowledge Management in Agriculture
Agronomy and Crop Science
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