Mewari, an indigenous chicken breed, was characterized for phenotypic parameters, growth, reproduction and production traits under the hot tropical climate of India. The data collected on 690 chicks were analyzed for effect of sex, hatch and their interaction on body weight and body measurements. The body weights of males were significantly higher at different weeks except at day old. Significantly higher shank and keel length was found in males as compared to females. The effect of hatch was significant on mean body weights at all ages, on shank length and breast angles at 8 weeks of age. The fertility and hatchability on fertile eggs set (FES) was 74.15±4.29% and 71.37±8.15%, respectively. The age at first egg (AFE) in the flock was 142 days and the age at sexual maturity (ASM) was 181.2±3.85 days. The average egg weights at 28 and 40 weks of age were 36.61±0.29 and 42.59±0.37 g, respectively. The hen day egg production (HDEP) up to 40 and 52 weeks of age was 28.93±0.13 and 59.87±0.14 eggs, respectively. The annual HDEP up to 72 weeks of age was 86.37± 0.13 eggs. The growth and egg production of Mewari chicken is comparable with other indigenous breeds. Mewari, a newly registered indigenous breed, needs to be further studied for various parameters to conserve and improve the breed for higher productivity.
Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Directorate of Knowledge Management in Agriculture
General Veterinary,Animal Science and Zoology
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