Effect of cumin (Cuminum cyminum) seed supplementation on production performance, nutrient digestibility and haemato-biochemical profile of Mehsana goats




A study was carried out to investigate the effect of supplementation of cumin (Cuminum cyminum) seed (CS)on the production performance, nutrient digestibility and hemato-biochemical profiles of lactating Mehsana goats.Twenty lactating Mehsana goats (7 days post-partum) were assigned randomly into two groups (10 animals ineach), control (CON: fed basal diet without supplement) and treatment (CS: basal diet supplemented with10 g/animal/d of CS) for the duration of 60 days. The final body weight was significantly higher (38.09 vs. 34.04kg) in the animals of CS group than the CON group. Feeding of cumin seed to the lactating goats did not influencedaily dry matter intake. However, cumin seed supplementation increased milk yield (985 vs. 859 g/d), 4% FCM(818 vs 623 g/d) and ECM (952 vs. 742 g/d) as compared to the CON group. The percentages of milk fat, SNF, totalsolids and lactose were also improved by the supplementation of cumin seed. Apparent digestibility of dry matterwas comparable in CON and CS groups. However, the digestibilities of crude protein (58.19 vs. 66.97%), crude fibre(47.05 vs. 55.28%), ether extract (67.00 vs.75.82%) and nitrogen free extract (65.25 vs. 75.32%) were significantlyimproved in cumin supplemented group. There was no effect on haematological parameters between the CON andCS groups. The supplementation of cumin has significantly improved glucose concentration in CS group whencompared to the CON group. The concentrations of other estimated blood metabolites were not affected by thecumin supplementation in lactating goats. Based on the results of the present study, it can be concluded that cuminsupplementation in the diet of lactating Mehsana goats at the rate of 10 g/d improved milk yield, nutrient digestibility and feed efficiency without any adverse effect on haemato-biochemical parameters


Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Directorate of Knowledge Management in Agriculture


General Veterinary,Animal Science and Zoology

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