Sharda Raju,Sahu Dhaleshwari,Dewangan Rukmani,Panchkhande Nutan,Sidar Shiv,Yadav Devendra
The present study was conducted in 12 intact female dogs presented for elective ovariohysterectomy. Animalswere randomly divided into two groups of six each. Group I animals were subjected to conventional ventral midlineovariohysterectomy and in Group II animals, right flank ovariohysterectomy was performed. Clinical efficacyof surgical techniques was evaluated on the basis of clinico-physiological and haemato-biochemical parameters.Surgical duration for performing ovariohysterectomy was comparatively less in right flank approach as comparedto ventral midline. Physiological parameters like rectal temperature showed non-significant variations in all theanimals. Respiratory rate decreased marginally whereas transitory increase in heart rate was observed for short time. Haematological and biochemical observations revealed marginal changes during the period of study in both the groups. The length of surgical incision, duration of procedure and healing were significantly less in Group II as compared to Group I. However, the operative haemorrhage was comparatively more in right flank ovariohysterectomy. The ease of exteriorization and ligation of uterus and ovaries was easy in Group II (right flank approach) as compared to Group I (ventral midline approach). Wound dehiscence was observed in two dogs of Group I whereas Group II animals showed uneventful recovery. Hence, right flank approach is a good alternative over the conventional midventral approach for performing ovariohysterectomy in female dogs
Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Directorate of Knowledge Management in Agriculture
General Veterinary,Animal Science and Zoology
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