Sopilko Iryna,Rapatska Lesya
Ukraine is experiencing military aggression due to the full-scale invasion of Russia, which uses information weapons. Therefore, the problem of ensuring a sufficiently high level of information security in Ukraine is relevant. The purpose of the research – to highlight the essence and features of the concept of "information security", and related terms, and to perform a comprehensive analysis of the current regulatory framework on ensuring a reliable level of information security as the basis of national security. To achieve this purpose, the author uses empirical, theoretical and comprehensive methods of scientific research, namely: observation, comparison, abstraction, analysis and synthesis, and comparative-legal, Aristotelian, analogy and deduction methods. The author proves the significance of ensuring information security at the level of each entity as the foundation for the existence of the Ukrainian information society and a means of counteracting the aggressive actions of the Russian Federation. The factors influencing information security are identified, in the context of which the significant role of the culture of protection of society is demonstrated. The significance of ensuring an appropriate level of cybersecurity as a defining element of information defence, the provision of which should be as consistent as possible with the State information policy, is substantiated. The author outlines the potential consequences of failure to maintain a reliable level of information and cybersecurity against the background of a full-scale invasion, namely: the overthrow of the government, collapse of Ukraine’s reputation in the international arena, chaotic processes in society and growing discontent, economic crisis and human casualties. The author describes the current state of information security in the country and suggests ways to improve it, in particular by reforming the existing legal regulation, considering the political experience of other countries and scientific achievements, transforming the State information policy with a focus on preventing information offences, international cooperation in the global information space and developing the information culture of the population. These recommendations can be used to eliminate shortcomings in the legal regulation of information security issues and to develop proposals for reforming the national information policy
Scientific Journals Publishing House
Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
Cited by
3 articles.