Ship route simulation based on the cluster analysis


Akmaykin D. A.1,Bocharova V. V.1,Klyueva S. F.1


1. Maritime State University named after admiral G. I. Nevelskoy


The problem of safe ship’s route planning at the variable hydrometeorological situation along the route is considered in the paper. The problem solved in the paper is based on the division of the water area into separate clusters, depending on its characteristics. The route from Busan Port to Kushiro Port is used as an example. The specifics of this route is that it runs through the open sea, and through the straits and archipelagos. The aim of the work is to automate the process of planning the route and adjusting it during the trip, depending on changes in external conditions. The graph theory for modeling a route is proposed in this paper. The construction of graphs is implemented using the cluster analysis method. In the analysis, the water area of the route is divided into separate subareas, depending on the distance to the coast and the depths difference. Open water areas are separated into larger clusters. Near the coast and at shallow depths, clustering is shorter. The cluster centroids are the vertices of the graphs of the future route. As result it is a simulation of graphs of different sizes. The union of graphs forms the hypergraph. The distance is used as the weight of the graph edges. To determine the most preferable route in criteria of speed, cost or safety, weights are added depending on weather and other factors. As a result of this approach, several routes are planning on the hypergraph. Depending on the weight of the priority criteria, a route is selected automatically. The proposed method can be used to create systems for automated planning of optimal routes, taking into account the selected criteria under changing environmental conditions in the process of voyage and replanning it if necessary.


Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping


Colloid and Surface Chemistry,Physical and Theoretical Chemistry

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