Assessing the results of work on strengthening the soils of the foundation of lock № 5 of the Volga-Don shipping canal and proposals for stabilizing the chamber position


Morgunov K. P.1


1. Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping


The results of work to strengthen the soil foundation of the chamber of lock № 5 of the Volga-Don Shipping Canal, carried out in 2016–2017, are analyzed. The need to carry out work to strengthen the soil was caused by an increase in the intensity of sedimentation of the central sections of the lock chamber, which began in 2005. To stabilize the chamber position, the technology of two-component jet grouting is implemented. This technology assumes the formation of several longitudinal soil-cement walls in the soils of the lock chamber base, which would transfer the load from the weight of the chamber to the harder clay soils of the water-resistant layer. However, as a result of the work performed, the precipitation intensity has increased. Engineering-geological, hydrological and geophysical studies conducted in 2018–2020 recorded the absence of formed soil-cement elements in the soils of the chamber base. An analysis of the soil samples characteristics taken from the chamber base has showed that a layer of soils of 10–12 m thickness is composed of loess rocks, below which water-resistant clayey rocks lie. Initially, there were several confined and non-confined aquifers in the soils of the lock base, and the creation of a hydroelectric complex and the formation of a level difference between the upper and lower pools led to the formation of a filtration flow with a significant pressure gradient at the base of the chamber. An analysis of the properties and structure of loess soils has showed their predisposition to subsidence, transition to a floating state and liquefaction with an increase in water content. Under the conditions of weak water-saturated loess soils, the supply of a cement mixture into them under significant pressure did not lead to the formation of soil-cement elements. Thus, in accordance with the current regulatory documents, the technical condition of the gateway is defined as pre-emergency, and the security level is defined as unsatisfactory. Methods for reducing the intensity of the chamber sedimentation such as cutting through the loess layer with piles, physical and chemical strengthening of soils and water protection of the massif at the base of the chamber are considered and evaluated.


Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping


Colloid and Surface Chemistry,Physical and Theoretical Chemistry

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