Monehedonism is a conceptualization obtained by Muhammet Caner Ilgaroğlu, a specialist in moral philosophy, by combining the concepts of Monetarism, which is a monetary economic theory, and Hedonism, which is a hedonistic moral theory. Monehedonism, which is expressed in Turkish as “Parasalhazcılık”, is an economic theory that starts out with the claim that the amount of money and its supply to the market will correct the economic balances, making money more valuable than ever before in history, and that it is the basic value that determines the market, gradually increasing economic, social and economic aspects in social life. The concept in question reflects many problems that arise on the axis of economy-society-moral relations. We consider that Monehedonism is a conceptualization that allows the unbalanced income situations, consumption habits and social relations that occur in economic and social structures where money is positioned as an object of pleasure to be addressed from the perspective of economic sociology. In this article, by evaluating it from the perspective of economic sociology, it will be discussed whether the concept in question is functional in defining and solving socio-economic and socio-psychological problems.
Düzce Üni̇versi̇tesi̇ Rektörlüğü İlahi̇yat Fakültesi̇
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