Development of a Broadband Picosecond Infrared Spectrometer and its Incorporation into an Existing Ultrafast Time-Resolved Resonance Raman, UV/Visible, and Fluorescence Spectroscopic Apparatus


Towrie Michael1,Grills David C.1,Dyer Joanne1,Weinstein Julia A.1,Matousek Pavel1,Barton Robin1,Bailey Philip D.1,Subramaniam Naresh1,Kwok Wai M.1,Ma Chensheng1,Phillips David1,Parker Anthony W.1,George Michael W.1


1. Central Laser Facility, CCLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 0QX, United Kingdom (M.T., P.M., R.B., P.D.B., N.S., A.W.P.); School of Chemistry, University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD, United Kingdom (D.C.G., J.D., J.A.W., M.W.G.); and Department of Chemistry, Imperial College, Exhibition Road, London, SW7 2AY, United Kingdom (W.M.K., C.M., D.P.)


We have constructed a broadband ultrafast time-resolved infrared (TRIR) spectrometer and incorporated it into our existing time-resolved spectroscopy apparatus, thus creating a single instrument capable of performing the complementary techniques of femto-/picosecond time-resolved resonance Raman (TR3), fluorescence, and UV/visible/infrared transient absorption spectroscopy. The TRIR spectrometer employs broadband (150 fs, ∼150 cm−1 FWHM) mid-infrared probe and reference pulses (generated by difference frequency mixing of near-infrared pulses in type I AgGaS2), which are dispersed over two 64-element linear infrared array detectors (HgCdTe). These are coupled via custom-built data acquisition electronics to a personal computer for data processing. This data acquisition system performs signal handling on a shot-by-shot basis at the 1 kHz repetition rate of the pulsed laser system. The combination of real-time signal processing and the ability to normalize each probe and reference pulse has enabled us to achieve a high sensitivity on the order of ΔOD ∼ 10−4–10−5 with 1 min of acquisition time. We present preliminary picosecond TRIR studies using this spectrometer and also demonstrate how a combination of TRIR and TR3 spectroscopy can provide key information for the full elucidation of a photochemical process.


SAGE Publications









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