Resonance Raman Spectroscopy of Photolabile Transition Metal Carbonyls: Controlled Photoalteration with Continuous Wave Lasers to Record Spectra of Reactants or Transient Species


Abbott Laurence C.1,Feilden Caroline J.1,Anderton Clare L.1,Moore John N.1


1. Department of Chemistry, The University of York, Heslington, York YO10 5DD, UK


A method has been developed that enables resonance Raman spectra of photolabile species in solution to be recorded under conditions where the level of photoalteration is controlled: a low level enables reactant spectra to be recorded, whereas a high level enables the spectra of short-lived transient species to be recorded in real time using continuous-wave (CW) lasers and standard Raman detection equipment. The design includes a sealed flow system, enabling air-sensitive species to be studied under an inert atmosphere. A simple theoretical model has been developed to aid the interpretation of experimental results, and its applicability is demonstrated. Controlled photoalteration and its theory are demonstrated with 413.1-nm excitation of carbonmonoxymyoglobin (MbCO), which generates deoxymyoglobin (deoxy-Mb) on photolysis, and for which the spectra of both species are well established. The methods have also been applied to two air-sensitive, photolabile transition metal carbonyls using 514.5-nm wavelength excitation: for Cp2Mo2(CO)6 (Cp = η5–C5H5), increasing levels of photoalteration result only in a decrease in the parent band intensities, relative to the solvent bands; for Cp2Fe2(CO)4, increasing levels of photoalteration result in the appearance of additional bands that are assigned to the transient species CpFe(μ–CO)3FeCp, formed following the loss of a CO ligand.


SAGE Publications



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