1. Hewlett Packard Co., Palo Alto, California 94304
A number of recent review articles have summarized the application of Molecular Rotational Resonance (MRR) spectroscopy to the area of molecular structure determinations and described how these applications have applied to chemistry. This article will briefly review this established area of MRR spectroscopy and describe two developments that offer the promise of expanding the applicability of MRR spectroscopy. The first development was the observation that some large molecules (by MRR standards) give a series of relatively intense, equally spaced bands that can be quickly recorded and assigned. The other development has been in the theory, procedures, and instrumentation required for accurate intensity measurements. These two developments, examples of each, and the implication of each for use by chemists, as well as molecular structure determinations, will be discussed. Spectrometers that are being used for studies in this established area and the two newer areas will be described in the Appendix.
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25 articles.