The main aim of this study was to test the the convergent, discriminant, and criterion validity of the Serbian adaptations of three Machiavellianism instruments (Mach-IV, Machiavellian Personality Scale - MPS, and Five Factor Machiavellianism Inventory - FFMI) based on their relations with HEXACO traits, distress aspects (anxiety, depression, and stress), and emotion regulation strategies (supression and reapraisal). The sample included 195 participants (80% women). The results showed that the Mach-IV and the MPS are mutually more similar to each other and their main negative correlate is Honesty-Humility, while the FFMI appears as distant from the other instruments and its main positive correlates are Extraversion and Conscientiousness and a negative one is Emotionality. Furthermore, the Mach-IV and MPS showed positive relations with distress aspects and non-adaptive emotion regulation (supression), while the FFMI showed opposite patterns of relations. Since the FFMI captures the most items and facets, it explained the most variance of distress and regulation strategies, but the Mach-IV and the MPS, especially its amorality facet, showed significant incremental contribution in explanation of anxiety, stress, and suppression. The implications of the use of each of the three instruments are discussed.
Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad
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