Residents’ Perception Towards Thermal Tourism Impacts


Bertan Serkan


Abstract: This study involves an analysis of residents’ perceptions towards tourism impacts. In line with this purpose, secondary data were analyzed first and then data were collected through field research. Field research involved using questionnaire forms to collect data. Questionnaires were implemented through face-to-face method with the residents of Karahayıt destination. Factor analysis was conducted with the purpose of identifying variable groups of the perceptions towards thermal tourism impacts, and regression analysis was conducted to analyze the factors impacting the support of residents for thermal tourism development. As a result of factor analysis, statements were grouped under four factors in scope of classifications differentiating these as social and living costs-benefits. Regression analysis was conducted for the relation between support of residents for the developments of thermal tourism, and social and living costs-benefits. The findings showed that social benefit, living benefit, living cost and social cost variables had a significant impact on the support of residents for the developments of thermal tourism. The independent variable with the highest explanation rate in regard to the dependent variable was found to be social benefit, followed by living benefit, living cost and social cost. Keywords: Residents. Residents’ Perceptions. Thermal Tourism. Thermal Tourism Development. 


Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora

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