Improving the Quality of Primary Education Institutions Through Strategic Management Implementation


Mubarok Ramdanil,Ramadhan Fiqih,Sulistiani Sulistiani


Basic education is the primary foundation for the development of individuals and societies. The quality of basic education plays an important role in shaping the character, knowledge, and skills of future generations. The research is aimed at analyzing the quality of primary education institutions, the process of improving the quality of the primary educational institutions through the implementation of strategic management, and the problems and solutions to improving the quality of basic education. His research method uses qualitative research methods, and his data analysis uses Miles Huberman's model of quantitative data analysis. The results of his research are: the quality of the educational institute MIN 1 East Kutai has achieved a good quality, even though there is still evil that continues to be fertilized. The quality improvement process is carried out through the implementation of strategic management, which consists of curriculum renewal, teacher training, technology investment, and enhanced partnerships. While the problems are: limited resources, budgets, and facilities; lack of training and professional development; attachment of students' parents and local communities. The solution is to conduct professional training and development for teachers, revision of curricula, investment in facilities and resources, involvement of parents and communities, and efficient financial management. These solutions can also help institutions become inclusive, innovative, and results-oriented learning centers.


Education and Talent Development Center Indonesia (ETDC Indonesia)

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