1. Självklart, här är texten med ett "enter" mellan varje referens:
2. How good is research really? [Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd];Bornmann;EMBO reports,2013
3. How to evaluate individual researchers working in the natural and life sciences meaningfully? A proposal of methods based on percentiles of citations;Bornmann;Scientometrics,2014
4. Clarivate. (2021). Percentage and Percentile Indicators. Retrieved September 27, 2023, from https : / / incites . help . clarivate . com / Content/Indicators-Handbook/ih-percentagepercentile-indicators.htm
5. Clarivate. (2022). InCites Essential Science Indicators. Retrieved September 27, 2023, from https:// esi.clarivate.com/IndicatorsAction.action