Comparative estimation of mucous membrane of maxillary sinus ultrastructural changes at aspergillosis different forms


Baydik O. D.,Sysolyatin P. G.,Loginova O. V.


Research objective was establishment of ultrastructural changes of mucous membrane maxillary sinus (MM MS) at noninvasive and chronic invasive aspergillosis. By methods of light, electronic microscopy and morphometry it is established, that the basic signs of endocellular reorganisation of epithelial cells at noninvasive form are decrease in squirrels-synthetic and plastic functions. On separate sites of epithelium there are the cages characterised small changes by cytoplasmatic organells. As a whole, the revealed changes testify to loss of epithelium protective and barrier properties, and as consequence, its defective participation in mucocilliar clearance. At invasive form of aspergillosis sinusitis, despite revealed single-layered metaplasia, in epithelial cells was observed fiber-synthetic and plastic processes that can specify on high reparative possibilities of epithelium.


Siberian State Medical University


Molecular Medicine

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