The relationship between biochemical parameters and antibody avidity in diabetes mellitus type 2 patients


Efendiyev A. M.,Azizova G. I.,Huseynova G. R.


We evaluated some biochemical and immune parameters, such as IgA, IgM, IgG, CIC, phagocytic index, T-lymphocytes, as well as avidity of antibodies in type 2 diabetic patients.Avidity, high- and low-avid antibody ratio was determined by test-systems for express-diagnostics of clinical and preclinical forms of immunologic deficiency. All patients (n = 47), depending on the level of glycemia and disease duration were divided into 3 groups: in the stage of compensation, subcompensation and decompensation. Control group included 17 healthy subjects.Value of high-avid antibodies in diabetes mellitus patients decreased in 75, 57 and 26% respectively, whereas in healthy subjects it is 89%. Conversely, increased amount of low-avid antibodies was observed, respectively 25, 43, and 74% (11% in control).These parameters prove antibody-folding disorders in diabetes mellitus and show that, change of metabolic parameters affects antibody avidity: G class high-avid antibody level decreases and shows weak protective function. This indicates functional disorders in B-system immunity.


Siberian State Medical University


Molecular Medicine

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