1. Siberian State Medical University
Over the past decades, lung ultrasound in the diagnosis of lung diseases has become widespread. Ultrasound examination has a number of advantages (no radiation exposure, real-time imaging, clear visualization of the subpleural lung regions and costophrenic angles), which make it possible to use ultrasound to monitor the dynamics of pneumonia in children and pregnant women. Currently, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, lung ultrasound is widely used due to its high diagnostic efficiency, which is comparable with classical radiography and X-ray computed tomography (CT) by a number of parameters.The article describes the method of lung ultrasound and the radiographic pattern of COVID-19-associated pneumonia. It also provides a review of the literature, according to which the severity of pneumonia was determined, depending on the radiographic pattern, and the need for a lung ultrasound was identified.The article indicates that information on assessment of the radiographic pattern of the lungs at runtime in different variants of the course of coronavirus infection, as well as many methodological issues, including the frequency of second-look lung ultrasound, has not been sufficiently studied.
Siberian State Medical University
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