1. A. De Kegel, PT, MSc, is a doctoral student in the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy, Ghent University and University College Arteveldehogeschool, Campus Heymans UZ Ghent–2B3, De Pintelaan 185, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium.
2. I. Dhooge, MD, PhD, is Professor and Head of the Department of Oto-rhino-laryngology, Ghent University.
3. W. Peersman, MSc, is a doctoral student in the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy, Ghent University and University College Arteveldehogeschool.
4. J. Rijckaert, MSc, is Lecturer, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy, Ghent University and University College Arteveldehogeschool.
5. T. Baetens, PT, MSc, is a doctoral student in the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy, Ghent University and University College Arteveldehogeschool.
6. D. Cambier, PT, PhD, is Professor, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy, Ghent University and University College Arteveldehogeschool.
7. H. Van Waelvelde, PT, PhD, is Professor, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy, Ghent University and University College Arteveldehogeschool.