Riyadina Woro,Rahajeng Ekowati,Driyah Srilaning
One of the adverse effect of prolonged patients with diabetes mellitus (DM), coronary heart disease (CHD), and stroke was the emerge of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and it would be burden of the economic. The prognosis of CKD in new cases of DM, CHD, and stroke during followed up in Cohort Study Noncommunicable Disease Risk Factor in Bogor was not yet known. Aim to study was to obtain to CKD profile in DM, CHD, stroke, and comorbid incidences during Cohort Study Noncommunicable Disease Risk Factor. This article has been result of cross sectional further analysis of secondary data on 370 new cases of DM, CHD, and stroke that who were examined for blood creatinine levels and calculated eGFR on 2018 and 2019. DM was diagnosed from fasting glucose ≥126 mg/dl or post prandial glucose ≥200mg/dl. CHD was diagnosed by ECG examination and validated by cardiologist and stroke was diagnosed by anamnesis by a neurologist. The main variable is eGFR as an indicator of CKD which is the result of CKP-epi calculation based on creatinine levels in the blood. Other variables are age, sex, type of disease (DM, CHD, and stroke). Data were analyzed using chi-square test. The results showed that average age patients with CKD on new cases of DM, CHD, stroke, and comorbid in Bogor were 48.2 ± 8.6 years old. Proportions CKD on new cases of DM, CHD, strok and comorbid were 59.5%, 56.7%, 66.7% and 50.0%. CKD was higher in older woman than others. The prevalence of CKD was found very high in subjects with stroke, DM, CHD, and comorbid. So, it is necessary to prevent complications by early diagnosis of NCD with regular monitoring of kidney function by creatinine level test and avoid using drugs that caused kidney damage.
Salah satu komplikasi buruk dari penderita diabetes melitus (DM), penyakit jantung koroner (PJK), dan strok yang berkepanjangan adalah munculnya gangguan fungsi ginjal dan akan membebani ekonomi bagi penderitanya. Gambaran prognosis gangguan fungsi ginjal pada insiden DM, PJK, dan strok selama pemantauan Studi Kohor Faktor Risiko PTM (FRPTM) Bogor belum diketahui. Tujuan penelitian untuk mendapatkan gambaran gangguan fungsi ginjal pada kasus baru DM, PJK, dan strok yang muncul selama pemantauan Studi Kohor FRPTM. Artikel ini merupakan hasil analisis lanjut secara potong lintang dari data sekunder kasus baru (insiden) DM, PJK, dan strok pada Studi Kohor FRPTM sebanyak 370 subjek yang diperiksa kadar kreatinin darah dan dihitung eLFG pada tahun 2018 dan 2019. DM didiagnosis dari kadar gula darah puasa ≥126 mg/dl atau post prandial ≥200mg/dl. PJK dari hasil pemeriksaan EKG dan validasi dokter spesialis jantung dan strok hasil anamnesis oleh spesialis saraf dan sudah mengalami rawat jalan. Variabel utama adalah eLFG merupakan indikator terjadinya gangguan fungsi ginjal yang merupakan hasil hitung kadar kreatinin dalam darah dengan CKD-epi. Variabel lain adalah umur, jenis kelamin, jenis penyakit (DM, PJK, dan strok). Data dianalisis dengan uji chi-square. Hasil menunjukkan temuan gangguan fungsi ginjal pada penderita DM, PJK, strok, dan komorbid di Bogor berumur 48,2 ± 8,6 tahun dan proporsi masing-masing 59,5%, 56,7%, 66,7%, dan 50%. Subjek yang mengalami gangguan fungsi ginjal menunjukkan lebih banyak pada umur lebih tua dan perempuan. Tingginya proporsi gangguan fungsi ginjal pada penderita strok, DM, PJK, dan komorbid diperlukan pencegahan komplikasi sejak awal terdiagnosis PTM dengan memantau fungsi ginjal dengan pemeriksaan kadar kreatinin secara teratur, serta menghindari penggunaan obat yang menimbulkan kerusakan ginjal.
Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan
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