Teamwork as a nursing competence at Intensive Care Units


Camelo Silvia Helena,Chaves Lucieli Dias


Objective. The aim in this study was to identify how Intensive Care Unit nurses perceive professional competences in the care team. Methodology. Qualitative multiple case study with an exploratory focus. The sample consisted of 24 nurses from Intensive Care Units (ICU) at two large hospitals. To collect the information, direct observation and – structured, non-structured and participant – interviews were used. Results. Ninety-six percent of the participants were women, 79% were less than 40 years old, and 63% possessed less than five years of professional experience in ICU. Data analysis revealed three study categories: teamwork as a nursing management tool, improving teamwork, and interpersonal communication for teamwork. Conclusion. At the ICU where the nurses work, a teamwork strategy is observed, which demands cooperation and participation by other disciplines. 


Universidad de Antioquia


General Nursing,Community and Home Care,Maternity and Midwifery,Family Practice,Health (social science),Geriatrics and Gerontology,Nursing (miscellaneous)

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