A sampling plan for residentially generated solid waste quantification at urban zones of middle sized cities


A Klinger Rafael,Olaya Javier,Marmolejo Luis,Madera Carlos


We propose a sampling plan intended for medium size cities. The proposed plan begins with a two-stage pilot plan, which helped us to obtain a better estimation of the final sample size when a ratio estimator is used. The sampling primary unit is the block side, followed by the houses as secondary units. From a sampling frame made of block sides, we pick a sample of block sides looking for a 5% sampling error with a 95% confidence level. We choose the houses to be included in the sample once we have identified within each block side those houses considered suitable for the study (those houses used exclusively as a place to live in). The identification is reached through a sensitization visit on which we make a rough draft of the block side in order to identify on it the suitable houses. The goal is to show the sampling plan design as well as its implementation. We suggest this plan as a working method for quantification of solid waste generation at similar size cities around the world, especially on developing countries.


Universidad de Antioquia

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