1. Ordu Ünitversitesi
2. Giresun Directorate of Provincial Agriculture and Forestry
The study was carried out to determine the effect of cutting time, IBA and putrescine treatments on the rooting of the cuttings of Tombul hazelnut cultivar. The plant material of study consisted of cuttings prepared from one-year-old root sucker of Tombul hazelnut cultivar. The cuttings collected on three different dates (15 June, 10 July and 4 August) were performed three treatments (control, 2000 ppm IBA and 2000 ppm IBA+1600 ppm putrescine). Depending on the interaction of cutting time and treatment, the highest rooting was determined in the cuttings treated IBA collected in June (16.7%), while the lowest in the control cuttings (0%) in all periods. Except for the cuttings treated IBA+putrescine collected in August, callus did not occur in other treatments. The number of roots per cutting was determined between 0.0 (control in all applications) and 15.5 (taken in July and IBA applied). Root length was measured from 0.0 (control in all applications) to 8.0 cm (received in June and IBA applied). The best results in rooting level were recorded in cuttings treated IBA collected in July (4.0). The best results in terms of rooting and root properties of cuttings of Tombul hazelnut cultivar were generally determined in cuttings treated IBA collected in June.
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