The functional role of mammals in the restoration of disturbed taiga ecosystems of the Vologda Region


Pilipko Elena Nikolaevna1


1. Vologda State Dairy Farming Academy by N.V. Vereshchagin


The article examines the participation of mammals in the restoration of disturbed ecosystems. Since in a number of regions of the North-West the intensity of anthropogenic load in the form of logging activities does not decrease, and in some cases even increases, the study of the degree of influence of each component of the ecosystem on the restoration of disturbed taiga biogeocoenoses is an urgent problem and requires comprehensive consideration. In the Vologda Oblast, logging activities are aimed at increasing the area of continuous concentrated logging, which have a serious impact on forest biogeocoenoses. Environment-forming (environment-forming or biogeocoenotic activity) animals are the work performed by organisms to implement and regulate any biogeocoenotic processes, in particular, to transform substances and energy, and maintain the equilibrium state of the system. The article considers the most pronounced types of environmental and biogeocoenotic activity of terrestrial mammals – trophic-mechanical (using the example of elk and white hare), excretory (elk, white hare, wild boar, bear, wolf and fox), hard-laying (mole) and digging-loosening (wild boar) in the territories disturbed after logging activities taiga mesoecosystems (logging). It was revealed that as a result of trophomechanical activity, phytophages do not damage the woody phytocoenosis, since the mosaic of habitat and successional processes towards deciduous plants – rowan, aspen and willow, provides phytophagous mammals with food in sufficient quantities. Excretory, excretory-recomposing and digging-loosening activities of mammals support the process of circulation of substances and the flow of energy, which contributes to self-healing, self-purification, self-regulation and increased stability of disturbed forest taiga ecosystems of Vologda Region.


Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

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