Bryophytes of the Tapsinsky Reserve of the Republic of Tuva


Sambyla Chojgan N.,Ak-Lama Taigana A.,Anandy Shenne D.,Mongush Chinchi B.


The article presents the results of the study of bryophytes of the Tapsinsky state nature reserve in the Republic of Tuva. Compared with the higher vascular plants, bryophytes still remain a poorly studied group in many respects, especially in Tuva. For the first time, a list of mosses is published, numbering 33 species belonging to 24 genera and 16 families. Among the identified families, in terms of the number of species, Dicranaceae (15,1%), Hylocomiaceae (15,1%), Amblystegiaceae (12,1%), Olytrichaceae (12,1%), Aulacomniaceae (6%) are significant for high-mountain tundras, and the rest families are represented by one species each. A brief analysis of the studied bryoflora is given. In terms of the number of species, the leading place belongs to the genera Dicranum Hedw. and Polytrichum Hedw., represented respectively by the following mosses Dicranum acutifolium (Lindb. Arnell) C.E.J. Jensen ex I.J., D. brevifolium Lindb.) Lindb., D. flexicaule Brid., D. scoparium Hedw. and D. spadiceum Zett. Rather strong positions belong to Polytrichum commune Hedw., P. juniperinum Hedw., P. piliferum Hedw. and P. strictum Brid. The remaining genera and families of mosses are represented by single species. A brief analysis of the studied bryoflora is given.


Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

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