Mirnenko Eduard Igorevich
The paper examines biodiversity of diatoms in artificial reservoirs of the Kalmius river basin, as well as the degree of impact of industrial enterprises on water resources by bioindication. The author has established the current state of the water balance of rivers, and the use of water resources in the industry of Donbass. Thus, the water balance is formed due to a part of the inflow of water from the Seversky Donetsk river basin and the waters of the main Kalmius River basin. Agriculture and industrial enterprises in total consume 77% of the water resources of the entire region, which is an extremely high degree of involvement in the overall balance of water resources. To assess the condition of reservoirs, the method of determining the species diversity and biological analysis of diatoms DAIpo was chosen. As part of the study, it was found that the flora of diatoms according to the ShannonWeaver index varied from 1,98 to 4,65 bps, while only 11 species of diatoms were massively distributed in reservoirs. The coefficient of growth of species diversity (r) varies (from 0,2135 to 0,9522 bps) depending on the season of the year and the place of selection. It was found that the increase in the DAIpo index occurred during the transition from the Nizhnekalmius reservoir to the Starobeshevsky reservoir, due to the presence of a larger number of saproxene species Achnanthes andicola, Fragilaria virescens, Navicula viridula var. viridula. Nitzschia sigmoidea var. sigmoidea, Navicula radiosa var. radiosa. Consequently, the paper traces the level of pollution by the presence of indicator species and the degree of tolerance of diatoms to environmental conditions.
Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education
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