The assessment of Kunovat sanctuary natural complexes in the area of the Siberian white crane (<i>Leucogeranus leucogeranus</i>) reintroduction


Levykh Alyona Yurievna,Zamyatin Dmitry Olegovich,Morgun Evgeniya Nikolaevna


The paper deals with the research of soils, vegetation, bird and mammal population composition and structure in the vicinity of the white crane field research station in the Kunovat sanctuary (Kunovat Zakaznik), northern taiga subzone, Shuryshkarsky District, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Russia. The aim of this investigation is to assess the present state of natural complexes in the area of the critically endangered Leucogeranus leucogeranus Ob population reintroduction. It has been established that various components of the natural complexes under study are generally consistent with the zone-and-province landscape, climate and biotope peculiarities of the area, which is a sign of their good health and relative stability. At the same time, in small mammal communities (an indicator group) the resistant sustainability index has been higher than the resilient sustainability index for two years in a row, which is characteristic of disturbed habitats or of early ecological succession stages. Such imbalance may be accounted for by local wild fires and floods in the natural complex under study. Botaurus stellaris nests have been registered in different parts of the quaking (white crane) bog, whose breeding grounds used to lie further to the south. This is evidence that the species range moves to the high latitudes and that the global climate change influences the natural complexes in the historic breeding area of the West-Siberian white crane population.


Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

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