The role of humor in the formation of a positive attitude towards the educational environment and the teacher at a technical university


Kotliarenko Iuliia Y.,Odaryuk Irina V.


The paper explores the possibilities of humor as one of the pedagogical techniques that form a positive attitude of students towards the teachers working with them and thus contribute to the implementation of successful learning activities. An empirical study has been carried out, which consists in studying the perception of students of their mentors depending on their speech behavior, including the use of humorous techniques. The results showed that teachers who skillfully operate with humorous discourse in the educational process and in extracurricular communication evoke a positive attitude among students towards themselves and, accordingly, towards the discipline being taught. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time the effectiveness of the activity of a teacher of a technical university is considered, depending on his or her possession of humorous skills. Its the first time students majoring in engineering have become participants in the survey on this topic. The practical significance is due to the possibility of using the results of the study in educational activities in order to create a positive educational environment, motivate students with emotionally presented material to facilitate its understanding and memorization. Research methods: description, analysis, systematization, generalization of theoretical material, an experiment to study the attitude of students to students who use humor as a pedagogical technique in teaching. The findings are significant for school and university teachers, researchers involved in the search for innovative tools in teaching.


Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

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