Parnyuk Natalia V.,Don Zoya G.
The study deals with the development and design of the foreign language education program aimed for postgraduates getting a Master of Law Degree at Saint Petersburg University of the Ministry of the Internal Affairs of Russia. The research is needed to build relationships across courses while creating and implementing educational programs. The paper analyzes the concepts interdisciplinarity, interdisciplinary education by researchers of national pedagogical science and foreign researchers. It also highlights the characteristics of interdisciplinary education, develops the structure of an interdisciplinary approach to learning a foreign language, and describes the elements of educational and methodological support of the course. It shows the process of the syllabus development as well as the coursebook creation and conducts a questionnaire. The study has shown that an interdisciplinary approach to teaching a foreign language is carried out through the reliance of a foreign language on specialized courses in order to establish significant, from students point of view, links between courses to develop foreign language communicative competence as well as improve professional knowledge through language, particularly, the ability to find, understand, synthesize and use knowledge of specialized courses through English and in English, expanding the professional and personal worldview.
Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education
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