A systematic approach to the multi-level career guidance «kindergarten - school - university»


Berkutova Diana Iskanderovna,Gromova Ekaterina Mikhailovna,Gorshkova Tatyana Anatolyevna


One of the most important problems of modern society in general and of each individual person in particular is the problem of professional self-determination. Currently, the labor market is characterized by rather high requirements for potential workers. At the same time, job seekers are constantly faced with numerous problems: these are ongoing changes in market conditions; and fierce competition for vacant jobs, the number of which is constantly decreasing in the context of digitalization of all spheres of society; and the emergence of new digital professions professions of the future, in which labor maintenance requires special skills; and the exponentially accelerating obsolescence of professional competencies due to rapidly changing technologies and the ongoing scientific and technical revolution, etc. At the same time, professional self-determination is characterized by the dynamic process of finding oneself in the profession, which manifests itself, among other things, in entering the phase of option more than once in a lifetime due to various circumstances. In this regard, the problem of organizing an early multi-level comprehensive career guidance work with the younger generation, which would ensure successful professional self-determination of the individual, becomes urgent. The paper presents the authors view on the organization of the system of career guidance work, as well as the results of diagnostics of students of university classes of the Ulyanovsk State University of Education according to the method of J. Holland using digital career guidance services.


Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

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