Some results of the research of mammals and birds inhabiting the Polar Ural Mountains foothills


Levykh Alyona Yurievna,Zamyatin Dmitry Olegovich,Morgun Evgeniya Nikolaevna,Ilyasov Ruslan Mikhailovich


This paper describes some results of the research of mammals and birds fauna and population structure as ecosystem condition indicators, and provides an investigation of flora and soil to establish habitats structural peculiarities. The research covered an area of a future road from Kharp Village through a ski resort to the Snowflake International Arctic Station (Priuralsky District, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Russia). Our study aims at assessing the environmental impact of the project. In the areas typical habitats, we registered two small mammal species (Clethrionomys (= Myodes) rutilus, Sorex araneus), 25 bird species, traces of three medium and large mammal species presence (Lepus timidus, Vulpes vulpes, Rangifer tarandus). Micromammals show very low abundance, low indices of small mammal communities diversity and sustainability, Cl. rutilus being an absolute dominant. The bird species show a relatively low level of abundance. The composition and structure of animal and bird communities are in line with natural and climate conditions of the Polar Urals foothills. The investigation results revealed low resource capacity, sustainability and biotic communities vulnerability to any impact. The study materials suggest that the future road from Kharp Village to the Snowflake International Arctic Station will not significantly harm mammal and bird population of the area, and will provide facilities for recreational and tourist activities, and will mitigate risks of anthopogenic impact on these vulnerable ecosystems.


Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

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